Replace keywords effortlessly

With the Keyword Finder feature, Affilinks can scan the content of your articles to find relevant keywords and convert them into affiliate links. It’s a quick and effective way to seamlessly integrate affiliate opportunities into your content and maximize your revenue potential.

Benefits of Affilinks

Affilinks offer a multitude of advantages and benefits that can greatly enhance your online marketing efforts.

Automatic optimization

The Keyword Finder automatically analyzes your article content, streamlining the process of turning keywords into affiliate links.

Time saving

By automating affiliate link creation, the Keyword Finder saves you time, allowing you to focus on producing high-quality content.

Opportunity maximization

By identifying relevant keywords, this tool helps you capitalize on affiliate opportunities, strengthening your revenue potential.

Seamless integration

Affiliate links generated by the Keyword Finder seamlessly integrate into content, providing a smooth and non-intrusive user experience.

Enhanced performance

By automatically transforming keywords into affiliate links, the Keyword Finder contributes to improving the performance of your…

Customizable weight levels

Tailor the Keyword Finder to your preferences with adjustable weight levels.

Start replacing keywords in a few steps

Affilinks Registration

Sign up for Affilinks and connect your website to our platform. You will join over 150 affiliate platforms through Affilinks with just one registration.

Create your website & Enable Keyword rewriting

You can enable or disable this feature on different websites you are managing. This feature will identify product keywords and create external product links to the best affiliate program.

Keyword rewritting

Set the keyword rewriting weight

As soon as you create a website, you can choose to enable the keyword replacement feature. You can also set the weight with three options: Soft, Balanced or Agressive. 

Collect your commissions

We provide a JavaScript tag that you can insert on your website. This tag will automatically update your product links and you can start earning commissions.

Discover our features

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